A seven-week container exploring our individual roles in, our desires for, and the path to deepening intimacy in partnership.
Offered by Abbey Larner & Ryland Ferguson Sundays, March 2 – April 13, 2025
The Container
For seven weeks, we’ll hold a virtual container (through weekly Zoom calls and a tightly held WhatsApp community), which will serve as a safe practice space for exploring the role we play in the intimacy we desire, as well as the path and barriers along the way.
A container is not a course; it’s an honest and vulnerable practice-based experience that requires the voice of each participant.
Each week, Abbey & Ryland will share some content and frameworks from their personal experience, offer time for exercises to reflect on your experience, and make an invitation for a practice during the week. We’ll keep the container small and intimate.
Format & Details
The Calls: 6 Weekly Zoom Calls – Sundays March 2nd until April 13th with a break for integration and no call March 30th – 8AM (Mountain Time Zone in USA). Plan for each session to run about 2.5 hours. Each call will be recorded and available to watch on replay
The Community: Facilitated WhatsApp Community for between calls communication.
Freely Intimate is a practice space for exploring and learning to create a new understanding about our desires in relationship to our intimate partnership. We’re playing with our relationship to intimacy, which requires honesty and vulnerability. If you and your partner are showing up to explore intimacy for 6 weeks, chances are, a LOT is going well, even though it may not always feel that way in day to day. We’re going to hold that tension of “a lot is going well” alongside “we want it to feel different.” Both/And. Freely Intimate is for people that think it might be fun or enlightening to play with and examine the different components of intimacy in hopes of having more of it! All of the practices are extended as invitations and based in consent.
A Safe Space to Be Fully Seen
Freely Intimate is a space to allow ourselves to be fully seen as we are (without judgement or being defined by our relationship to other people). A key element of our inquiry into intimacy, while supportive of and designed to enhance partner relationships, is to find greater connection to the self. Intimacy is, in our eyes, another tool in connecting and exploring your knowledge of yourself.
An Invitation
Freely Intimate is an invitation to explore our own role in facilitating deeper intimacy in our relationships and ourselves. Each person’s takeaways and learnings will be different and individual to them, and, we’ll also feel the commonality in our desires. Often, the offering will be to drop the pre-existing stories we have about intimacy, seeing them with fresh eyes as opportunities to learn.
An Evolving Offering
Freely Intimate is a flexible and evolving container. While the commitment is to the six Zoom calls, we may offer additional space for individual or group calls as needed or desired by the group. The six week arc outlined here may also shift according to the needs of the group. We want to evolve the offering in a responsive manner that reflects the areas of rich exploration for this group of individuals/couples and best supports the needs of the members of the container.
Is Freely Intimate Considered Relationship Counseling or Coaching? ▼
Freely Intimate is not relationship counseling or coaching. It’s also not a place where we’ll look at “what’s wrong” with ourselves or our partners. We’re working from the premise of “everything is as it should be” and asking, “How does it get better than this?” - not because anything needs to be fixed, but for the joy of exploring transformation together.
Is Freely Intimate a safe space for individuals with trauma around these topics? ▼
While we will work to create a tightly held, safe environment, we would like to be fully transparent that Freely Intimate is nottrauma-informed care. We are committed to holding a safe, confidential and judgement-free space, but this is probably not a recommended container for people who have deep, unintegrated or unprocessed trauma around intimacy. That’s not to say you need to show up without trauma to participate. In modern society, we all have a lot of conditioning and experiences to unpack around intimacy. This container may stir up big emotions. If you are healing from intimacy or sexual trauma, we trust you to decide if Freely Intimate is for you at this time.
Is Freely Intimate considered a course or a class on intimacy? ▼
Freely Intimate is not a course or class, and we do not claim to hold the answers for you. While our deepest intention is to support you in deepening intimacy and growth as a couple and individuals, we believe that the only person who knows what will work for you, is you. We aim to provide a space for inquiry, reflection, and, hopefully, inspiration, rather than a list of do’s, don’ts, tips or tricks. We’ll share our own experiences, and the language and frameworks we use because they’ve been incredibly valuable to us. You can take them, leave them, or create your own. The primary offering of Freely Intimate is to see more clearly our own patterns in intimacy and where they’re in conflict with our desires. We’re happy to answer questions about what works for us, and we believe true freedom in intimacy comes through personal exploration, not a prescribed program. Freely Intimate is not a place where you’ll learn about love languages, other relationship “hacks,” or how often you should or should not do anything.
Should we join Freely Intimate to help us to stay together? ▼
Freely Intimate is not a space where you’ll hear requests or reinforcement that couples necessarily need to stay together. If that’s a major part of your current framework, this may be a challenging container. The container is deeply supportive of increasing intimacy and connection, but not for the sake of doing so or in an effort to reinforce a structure that isn’t working for one or both partners.
From the framework of our own relationship Abbey & Ryland (who are married - or unmarried if you will) will be delighted if their intimate partnership continues and remains as fruitful and rewarding until the end of our lives. Also, we are not judging the success of our relationship on its length or continuation. We don’t believe you need to build intimacy for the sake of your partnership/marriage. We focus on building intimacy because it’s been an incredible source of happiness, transformation, and growth for both of us as individuals. We don’t have to deepen intimacy. We certainly don’t have to do it for ‘the kids’. We do it because it’s fascinating, fun, enriching, and valuable to us in our journeys through this life.
Enroll Today!
Freely Intimate is a small cohort experience, and we will cap this edition at a maximum of seven couples.
Investment: $800 USD per Couple**
**If you feel that financial constraints would make this offering inaccessible to you, we ask that you reach out, as we are committed to finding a way that all who will benefit from this work will be able to participate.
Please note: While we intend for enrollment to be “per couple” it is also a requirement for participation that each member of that couple show up individually as two people logged into each Zoom call on two different devices during each session. Each person in the couple will participate independently in the WhatsApp group as well with their own accounts. Together, and still fully individual.
If you’re interested in Freely Intimate and deciding if it's for you, we welcome you to to schedule a call to learn more. Use the contact form below and Abbey or Ryland will reach out.
To complete your enrollment, (1) complete the enrollment form by clicking the button below and, (2) send payment via Paypal or Venmo. Instructions for payment will be sent upon receipt of your enrollment forms.
We'd be thrilled to hear from you with any questions, concerns or comments about Freely Intimate.
Abbey or Ryland will get back to you as soon as possible to set up a call or chat with you via text, WhatsApp, or email. If you have preferred method of correspondence, please include that in your message with the relevant contact details.